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Game-Time Report/The spirit of contemporary young people often makes me admire them.

During the Qingming Festival when I returned to my hometown to sweep tombs, I sat at a dinner table with young people who were half a generation younger than me, and the topic of work naturally came up during the conversation. What surprised me was that even though they had just entered the workplace a few years ago, they had already summed up a large set of ideas on “rectifying the workplace” and shared them with me.

“You must leave traces at work and argue with reason whenever something happens; if you have to break up with the company, go directly to the labor department with a lot of evidence…” A certain junior claimed that he relied on the Internet to self-study labor law terms and has already guided his classmates. Winning two arbitrations can be regarded as a refreshing article that shines into reality.

In addition to “rectifying the workplace,” the new generation of young people are obviously more daring to speak out in other aspects. The most obvious perception in the industry is that the recent “price war” and “quality war” of new mobile game products are in a mess. Products often shout slogans of “rectifying the industry” and “re-pricing”, vying to attract players. support. This reflects the shift in the industry’s voice: in the past, game planners mostly unilaterally dominated the direction of games, but now players are more daring to speak out collectively to build momentum, forcing game companies to actively reflect on their own unreasonable designs.

As a result, more and more products began to make gestures to “please players”, and slogans abounded in the industry. But to say that the most pragmatic one has to be the “Fantasy Westward Journey” mobile game.

In the just-updated version of “The Way of Being an Official”, the game’s newly launched official position system is simply “reverse to Tiangang.” The mouse and keyboard are put into the hands of players, allowing players to “rectify the game” themselves – players can make up their minds on how many benefits to distribute, how many resources to produce, and what events to open on the server.

With such a bold “decentralization of power to the people”, it is no wonder that the “Official Way” version quickly aroused the interest of many fantasy players, causing them to shout “I want to make progress so much!”

I was reborn as a first-class official in the Tang Dynasty

On April 10, the version of “The Way of Being an Official” was officially launched. As the name suggests, what Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Game wants to create for players this time is the experience of being an official.

After actually understanding this system, I found that Fantasy Mobile Games has put more effort into it than many people had previously imagined. For example, many players have noticed that the official position system in the game is not a simple empty device. It has absorbed rich nutrients from our country’s long history and used the Tang Dynasty as a blueprint to create a solid official rank system.

It is understood that the “Fantasy Westward Journey” mobile game team has indeed put a lot of effort into textual research and restoration. The project team has visited local museums in Xi’an many times before and invited scholars of Tang Dynasty history to serve as consultants. Based on solid historical data, the game faithfully restores the officialdom of the Tang Dynasty in terms of the official position system, official uniform design, etc., allowing players to truly travel back to the prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty and enjoy the original “I am reborn as an official in the Three Realms” “Experience.

The official ranks in the mobile game “Fantasy Westward Journey” are divided into nine levels, upper and lower, and below the second level there are second-level officials, for a total of 14 levels. This design obviously comes from the nine-level official system of the Tang Dynasty. Among them, the official positions below the second rank are further divided into three volumes: Wen Dao Book, Martial Arts Book and Wen De Book. Officials in the three volumes have their own expertise in the fields of gameplay combat, competitive combat, and appearance and social interaction.

Based on the skeleton of the nine-level official position system, the game has further developed. Through a solid and sophisticated restoration design, it has created a ceremonial path for players to “increase official positions and advance to nobility”. The game will hold a “canonization ceremony” once a month. In this grand monthly ceremony, players can invite relatives and friends from the same server to watch the ceremony and witness the canonization and participate in the grand event.

The scene of the “canonization ceremony” in the game

As the official rank increases, players can receive more salary, and the character’s whole body will also change in all aspects. Officials at all levels in the game are given exclusive official uniforms and fashions to flaunt their official rank. The nobler the official rank, the more gorgeous the fashion will be – and our country’s official uniform color system also happened to originate in the Tang Dynasty.

Wende book from the third grade official fashion

If you are promoted to the third level or above, you can even get an exclusive sedan carriage and servants – modern people often say that when you go out, face is given by yourself; you can ride in such a graceful and luxurious carriage with a servant and walk with you. In the Three Realms, who after watching this battle wouldn’t regard you as “the most handsome boy on this street”?

Carriage and ceremonial guard exclusive for first-class officials in Wen Dao and Wen De

Today’s mobile game products are constantly seeking novelty and novelty, and the product spirit of mobile games such as “Fantasy Westward Journey” that returns to its historical roots and creates content based on research is quite commendable. This is also what Fantasy Mobile Games has been adhering to for many years – this product has previously collaborated with well-known singers such as Wu Bixia and Yang Hongji to perform songs based on Chinese mythological content such as “Journey to the West” and Chang’e’s Flight to the Moon. It was also featured in the just-concluded anniversary celebration China and Xi’an Daming Palace reached joint cooperation. Continuously integrating historical and cultural content into the modern position represented by electronic games, adhering to the belief that games are not just games, but can also become carriers of cultural inheritance.

Not only can he act in every situation, but he can also create clouds with his hands.

The mobile game “Fantasy Westward Journey” has a large set of designs based on official ranks, which will simply shape the “face” of officials in politics. However, this also makes Game-Time think: Although the system design is full of ingenuity, if the official gameplay only stays at the external level, it will inevitably make people feel superficial. How can this reflect the “Four Sentences of Hengqu” that the ancients said about being an official: establish a heart for the world, establish a destiny for the people, carry on the unique knowledge for the saints, and create peace for all generations?

After taking a closer look, we found that these problems had long been expected by the project team. The official position system we are currently playing is not complete – after the first official position selection in May, the game will also launch a series of supporting gameplay to give official players rights and responsibilities, making being an official and participating in politics more realistic, and ” The experience of being an official is further enhanced.

For example, if ordinary players encounter difficult problems, they can seek help from official players through the “People-loving Government Affairs” and “Consultation Mailbox” systems, just like dialing the “Mayor Hotline” in reality. And if official players can lead civilian players to complete difficult tasks, they can even get points and upgrade their official ranks accordingly. Implementing the concept of “diligence and loving the people” into the mechanism, encouraging exchanges between officials and citizens, and making official positions in the game more than just “vanity”, this design can’t help but make people applaud.

The “Issue Conference” gameplay that will be opened later will truly realize the idea of ​​”handing power to the players”. In the issue conference gameplay, all official players become representatives of all server players. Fantasy Westward Journey mobile game provides high-level officials with the opportunity to sit together and discuss the future direction of the server.

Specific server activities open these designs, which are often controlled by game planners. In the future, they will be proposed in the “Issue Conference” and voted on by official players. It can be expected that the fun of being an official in politics created by Fantasy Mobile Games through the official position system will eventually be fully verified in these “issue conferences”.

In this new version of “The Way of Being an Official” in the mobile game “Fantasy Westward Journey”, if I want to ask what the design is that surprises me the most, it is undoubtedly this “issue conference” gameplay. Most of the active games on the market have a group of “big boss” players, but no matter how much time and energy they invest in the game, no matter whether they become powerful figures on the rankings, they still cannot escape the production Instead of the constraints of “what do I do, how do you play”.

However, the “Fantasy Westward Journey” mobile game is the first of its kind – in my impression, no other game dares to allow players to seize the real power to influence the game system and “beat up the planners” to become a game that can truly dominate the gameplay and help other players. Players solve difficult problems and are loved by everyone as the “real boss”. While players’ demands for game autonomy are growing day by day, Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Game boldly hands over power to players and has embarked on a unique path.


While the game industry is rushing towards commercialization, we often forget that innovation and quality are the foundation of this industry. Just as young people are currently “rectifying the workplace” and promoting the healthy development of the labor market, players’ demands to “rectify the gaming industry” are themselves an important driving force for promoting innovation, progress and high-quality development in the industry.

In the final analysis, players reject bad industry habits and pursue a better gaming experience. With the continuous encouragement of players, a healthy gaming industry ecology will gradually take shape.

Judging from the gameplay content and user feedback, the “Official Way” version of the mobile game “Fantasy Westward Journey” has pioneered the “handover” of the category. This model of proactively allowing players to “rectify their games” may lead to more and more products following suit. As more games begin to incorporate input from players like this, we also highly expect the entire industry to develop in a healthier and benign direction.

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